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Sometimes you can’t be there during service calls, renovations, repairs, or deliveries. We can coordinate and monitor these situations and be there during the process, watch for issues, and then secure your home when the job is done.
Our Key Holder Services can be the trusted partner you need to help when you cannot be at home. Why leave work and lose income just to wait all day for a service call? Imagine receiving a daily report on a repair or remodel job and knowing someone is making sure the job is done right. It should give you peace of mind knowing that a trusted partner is at your home the entire time when service calls are conducted to ensure no one is snooping or wandering about your home, leaving a mess behind, or leaving the door unlocked. You will have an enhanced sense of security knowing that your home is locked and secured daily. We have a small set-up fee and a minimal monthly fee to maintain your home in our system if this is the only service you require. Then our visit is based on an hourly fee only when you need us.
DCLHW Key-Holder services can be there for:
Delivery of items and packages (retrieve and report)
Monitor remodeling project (be your eyes and ears; take pictures and report daily)
Meet with service provider (internet, delivery, etc.)
Monitor repair and maintenance projects
Owner requested visit (after a storm, power outage, assist a neighbor or relative, respond to a sensor alert)
Rental Assistance Services

Rental Assistance Services
If you have a rental home and need someone to conduct a check-up, we can do that. If you have a VRBO or AIRBNB property and need someone to meet a contractor at the house to let them in and watch over the installation or servicing of equipment, we can do that also.


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Deep Creek Lake
Home Watch

2023 All Rights Reserve Deep Creek Lake Home Watch. Proudly created by Tiger Eye Graphics
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